11 July 2024

The Seub Nakhasathien Foundation has asked the Government to stop serving shark’s fin soup at all social functions organized by state agencies, and to review four controversial projects which, they claim, will have serious environmental impacts.

In a letter, addressed to Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, the environment advocacy organization referred to the function, attended by Government MPs on Tuesday night, where shark’s fin soup was on the set menu.

The foundation said that the serving of the soup spoke volumes about the Government’s indifference and insensitivity to the protection of the environment and natural resources.

Citing the “Global catches, exploitation rates and rebuilding options for sharks” report, published in the Marine Policy Scientific Journal, the foundation said that about 100 million sharks were brutally killed each year just for their fins.  It suggested the government instruct all state agencies not to include shark’s fin soup in their menus for social functions and celebrations, to set a good example to the private sector and the public.

The foundation also asked the Government to review four controversial projects, which will have serious impacts on the ecological system and the environment.

Regarding the water diversion project, to transfer water from Srinakharin to Lam E-soo reservoirs, the foundation said that, since the project will cut through Salak Phra wildlife sanctuary in Kanchanaburi and seriously affect flora and fauna there, the route should be adjusted to cause the least impact on the environment.

The Pak Bara deep-sea port project, in the southern province of Satun, will require the sacrifice of the Petra marine park and increase marine traffic and industrial activity, which will threaten the marine ecosystem there and destroy the tourism business, according to the foundation.

The foundation also wants City Halls’ Chao Phraya riverside promenade project put on hold, claiming that it will destroy the cultural and historical identity of the river and claims that seawalls, another Government project, have been proven to be ineffective in preventing coastal erosion.