11 July 2024

The Future Forward Party on Sunday formally unveiled a series of policies that its leader Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit claim will change the face of Thailand.

The policies range from decentralization of the bureaucratic system and creating social equality to ending economic monopoly and military reform.
The party also vows to end compulsory military conscription which it hopes will strike a right chord with young voters who are expected to be a strong political force in the upcoming election.

Speaking to a gathering of hundreds of party members, Thanathorn said the 12 policies being put forward by the party are not intended to attract votes but are designed to effect major changes in all aspects.

He said that the party was proposing Thai people a “new home” with a brighter future. “For a house to be strong and stable, it must start with the foundation – which is equality for all Thais through state welfare system and decentralization,” he said.

Thanathorn said the party would put an end to monopoly by big businesses, and allow small businesses access to financial support and to strictly enforce the law to promote free competition.

Mrs Wanwipa Maison, the party’s registrar, said the party intends to build a welfare state, with free education for all, 1,200 baht/ month free allowance for children aged up to six years old, 180-day maternity leave, security for labourers and pension for retirees that will enable them to live a modest life.
Deputy party leader Lt-Gen Pongsakorn Rodchompu said the party would seek to downsize the military to about 170,000 men for the three armed forces, to reduce the number of generals from about 1,600 to just about 400 and to replace conscription with voluntary enlistment.

The military, he said, must detach itself from politics and to return to the barracks and all military procurements must be transparent.

Party secretary-general Piyabutr Sangkanokkul announced that the party would amend the current Constitution if it is in the government because the charter itself is undemocratic even though it was endorsed in a referendum.

He said that the party also intends to amend the computer crime law and to scrap the 20-year national strategy which he described as a political straight-jacket that would hinder the performance of the post-election governments.