11 July 2024

The Future Forward party will press for a censure debate against the government to demand military reform, the scrapping of conscription and the revocation of questionable concessions granted to big business, according to party spokeswoman Pannika “Chor” Wanich today (Wednesday).

In an exclusive interview with the Post Today website, the defiant party-list MP said that, even if the party could not topple the government in parliament, it would perform its job vigorously to apply a system of checks and balances on the executive to protect the interests of the country and its people.

She made clear that the Future Forward party would not oppose merely because it is in opposition and will not oppose the government on daily basis “because that is a waste of time.”

“I am paid more than 100,000 baht a month of taxpayers’ money, which is a lot of money. I must consider the people in this country, the farmers who are starving, the poor in the cities, even salaried people are in trouble. Many companies are experiencing a sales slump.

“When we are paid by the taxpayer, it is necessary for us to do something which is useful. We cannot do anything in a governmental capacity, but we can as the opposition,” said the embattled MP, who is under heavy criticism for her inappropriate Facebook posts.

Regarding military reform, Ms. Pannika explained that the party wants the military under civilian control and to be restructured to become a 21st century military, reduce defence spending, revoke conscription and reform the welfare system for the military.