11 July 2024

The vaccination centre at Bang Sue grand station in Bangkok has decided to the extend free Pfizer vaccination service for people who have not yet had their third dose, after many subscribers missed out due to incomplete information or failed to meet the conditions.

People who wish to receive the booster can subscribe from today (Friday) through:

The vaccination facility explained that there is a residual stock of vaccine available, after many subscribers missed out because they gave wrong ID card numbers or had their second dose fewer than 90 days before.

It also said that the facility has a built-in system, which can check whether the subscribers have already been inoculated with booster shots and have cancelled their subscription.

Those interested in subscribing for the booster dose must have been inoculated with either AstraZeneca or Pfizer as their second dose under the following vaccination regimens:

  • AstraZeneca-AstraZeneca
  • Sinovac-AstraZeneca
  • Sinopharm-AstraZeneca
  • Sinovac-Pfizer
  • Sinopharm-Pfizer

The second doses must have been administered at least 90 days ahead of receiving the booster shot.