11 July 2024

Thailand has recorded five new COVID-19 cases today, all arrivals from abroad and in state quarantine.

According to the CCSA, one is a 50-year old American citizen, of Thai descent, who arrived from the US on July 26th and entered quarantine in a hotel in Bangkok. He cleared the first test, but was confirmed to be infected in the second, on August 10th.

The second case is an 18-year old Thai student, returning from India on July 30th on the same flight as a passenger who was earlier found to be infected. On August 3rd, he developed muscle pains, a headache, a runny nose and a fever. He tested positive for the virus on August 10th.

The three other cases are Thai students, returning from Egypt on July 30th on the same flight as six passengers who had earlier tested positive for COVID-19. They entered state quarantine in Chon Buri province and tested positive on August 10th, although there were no symptoms.

Cumulative infections in Thailand, to date, are 3,356, with 3,169 recoveries and 58 deaths.  129 others are still being treated in hospital.

Thailand is ranked the world’s 113th, in terms of total infections. The US still leads the pack, with 5,305,957 infections and 167,749 deaths. Brazil comes second, with 3,112,393 infections and 103,099 deaths, India third, with 2,267,153 infections and 46,188 deaths, Russia fourth, with 892,654 infections and 15,131 deaths and South Africa in fifth place, with 563,588 cases and 10,751 deaths.