11 July 2024

The first frost of this year was reported this morning at 6 am on top of Doi Inthanon – Thailand’s highest and one of the most famous peaks in Chiang Mai province – when temperature was measured at 1 degree Celsius.

It was reported that grass on the mountain top turned white from frost due to the freezing weather.

The Doi Inthanon national park has been opened to tourists who have flocked to the mountain peak to get a feel of the freezing weather and to watch misty sea blanketing surrounding mountains before sunrise.

The Meteorological Department reported this morning that the mercury in the northern region for the next 24 hours would drop a further 2-4 degrees Celsius due to strong cold front from China which is still looming over the upper part of Thailand.

Rough seas induced by strong northeastern monsoon was predicted in the Gulf of Thailand with waves averaging two metres high.

Temperatures in northern mountain tops were forecast between 8-14 degrees Celsius at minimum and 17-21 degrees Celsius at maximum while freezing weather was also predicted for mountain tops in the Northeast.

In Bangkok this morning, lowest temperatures ranged from 22-23 degrees Celsius with maximum temperatures between 31-33 degrees Celsius.