11 July 2024

Authorities are probing two explosions that rocked the popular Samila beach of the southern province of Songkhla late Wednesday night, shattering the tail section of the famous Golden Mermaid.

No one was injured by the blasts which took place almost simultaneously at about 9.30 pm as the beach was normally deserted late at night.  The other target of the bomb explosion was the Noo-Maew statue which sustained minor damages.

Security forces quickly cordoned the two spots which are about 300 metres apart and cars parked on the beach road were ordered moved out as members of the explosive ordnance disposal scoured the two statues and surrounding areas to look for more possible explosives with the help of mobile power generators to illuminate the two areas.

Songkhla provincial governor Veeranan Pengchan told reporters near the Golden Mermaid statue he had no idea what the real motive of the perpetrators in blasting the two statues was.

The Golden Mermaid statue has been a popular tourist attraction on the Samila beach since it was installed on a rock formation on the beach 52 years ago.

The Noo-Maew statue symbolizes the Noo (mouse) and Maew (cat) islands off the Samila beach.