11 July 2024

Despite political storms that she has gone through, former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra said good news from her only son has given her strength and moral support to carry on.


Yingluck, who is in self-exile after escaping from the rice-pledging scheme case, said in a Facebook post on Sunday that she was encouraged by an achievement of her son, Pipe, who was selected as one of the 30 students representing Southeast Asia to compete in the World Mathematics Championship in Australia.

Yingluck said she received a call from Pipe who said he and his two South Korean teammates were among 30 representatives from Southeast Asia to compete in the World Mathematics Championship in Australia.  He also showed her the invitation card.

Thousands of students from Southeast Asia were selected and reduced to 200 and the final 30 to represent the region in the contest.  Pipe is among three Thai students chosen to compete in team category in three fields: maththematical knowledge, strategy and creativity.

The fugitive former prime minister said she was delighted and was proud with her son for his achievement, adding that she believed the  parents of the other representatives also felt like her.
She then called on all sectors of the Thai society to support Thai children and to allow them space to show off their skills and abilities.