11 July 2024

The Election Commission may fix the maximum election spending for each candidate at two million baht and 20-70 million baht the spending of each party of its party list-MP candidates, said Mr Sawaeng Boonmee, deputy secretary-general of the Election Commission.

He explained that limitations of election spending for individual candidates and parties would be used as a tool to make the election as clean and fair as possible.

He said the EC would issue regulations governing election expenses that each individual candidate and party can spend by taking into consideration inflation rate, cost of living and other expenses.

Mr Sawaeng said the 2 million baht figure was floated by the EC and political parties for candidates in multi-constituency election, but, in the end the two sides must jointly discuss the issue to set the appropriate amounts of expenses that can be legally spent.

However, he noted that online election spending is an area of concern as it would be difficult to determine the expenses since candidates have supporters who use social media to canvass for them.