12 July 2024

Rangsit University rector Dr Arthit Urairat on Monday dismissed as fake news a post in the social media purportedly from him, saying he felt guilty for having attacked former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in the past and planned to see the latter abroad to offer an apology.

Dr Arthit said he didn’t write the post and accused the writer of distortion.

“Please be informed, the statement below was not written by me.  The writer made it up himself,” wrote Dr Arthit in his post.

The distorted message said that Dr Arthit felt guilty for having made malicious attacks against Thaksin until the latter had to take refuge overseas and that he and several other businessmen and academics who used to be against Thaksin would fly to see the former prime minister to offer their apology.

The post also quoted Arthit as asking Suthep Thuagsuban and Chatumongkol Sonakul, founder and leader of the Ruam Palang Prachachart Thai (ACT) party respectively to stop their daily campaign to recruit party memberships, saying that people no longer trust them.