11 July 2024

The heirs of Thai citizens, who die from conditions directly related to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine provided by state agencies, will be eligible for initial compensation of up to 400,000 baht, payable by the National Health Security Office of Thailand (NHSO), according to an announcement by the NHSO published in the Royal Gazette on May 16th.

Those who sustain permanent disabilities or chronic illness, which will require lifelong treatment and which seriously affects their livelihood as a direct result of the vaccination, are also entitled to an initial compensation payment of up to 400,000 baht from the NHSO.

In case of the loss of a limb, or a disability which will affect their livelihood, the vaccinated individual is entitled to initial compensation of 240,000 baht.

In the case of sustaining wounds or pain as a direct result of the vaccination, the vaccinated individuals are entitled to 100,000 baht initial compensation, provided that there is confirmation by the doctor who provided the treatment that the wounds or pain were caused by the vaccination.

The compensation is not available to those who receive alternative vaccine jabs provided by non-governmental agencies, such as private hospitals or clinics.

The initial compensation is not automatically paid to the heirs or care takers of the deceased or disabled vaccine recipients. They must submit a request for the financial support to the NHSO, its branch office or to the provincial health office, depending on the place of residence of each vaccine recipient, within two years of death or diagnosis of the disability or wound.

A subcommittee will consider the requests and decide on the compensation to be paid. If the vaccinated person or their heirs do not agree with the subcommittee’s decision, they have the right to appeal to the secretary-general of the NHSO within 30 days of the decision by the subcommittee.

If the secretary-general disagrees with the appeal, the patient can refer the matter to the National Health Security Committee for final review.

The NHSO announcement is retroactively effective from April 5th.