11 July 2024

Thailand’s telecom regulator, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), raked in over 100 billion baht from its auctions today of 48 licenses for 5G frequencies in the 700MHz, 2600MHz and 26GHz bands.

Advance Info Service (AIS), through its subsidiary Advanced Wireless Network, True Move H Universal Communication and CST Telecom all took part in the auctions which were held at the NBTC head office this morning.

There were 19 licenses in the 2600MHz band, three licenses in the 700MHz band and 26 licenses in the 26GHz band were on offer.

The bidding started with three licenses for the 700MHz, with the starting bid set at 8.792 billion baht per license.

After about three hours and 20 rounds of bidding, the final bids were worth 17.153 billion baht per license.

Bidding for the frequencies in the 2600MHz band concluded with just two rounds of bidding, which reached 1.956 billion baht per license.

The bidding for the 26GHz range was closed at 445 million baht per license.

The total amount bid in today’s auctions was 100.193 billion baht.