11 July 2024

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) has suspended classes at 437 schools under its supervision for one day and introduced staggered working hours for all its officials from Wednesday, as airborne PM2.5 dust is forecast to remain excessive in most parts of the capital.

City Hall spokesman Pongsakorn Kwanmuang said today that the measures are part of the BMA’s four-point plan to cope with worsening air pollution in Bangkok.

He said, however, that officials working at district offices, who have to provide services to the public, will report to work as normal, adding that the staggered working hours will be ended when pollution has eased.

The class closure, affecting over 280,000 students, will reduce the number of cars on Bangkok’s streets and help ease PM2.5 problem, said the spokesman.

City Hall also plans to distribute 450,000 free face masks to people in Bangkok.