11 July 2024

Customers who visited a popular pub in Chiang Mai province, to celebrate the arrival of the New Year, have been told to report immediately to the Lanna and Nakhon Ping hospitals for COVID-19 tests, after one of them was found to be infected COVID-19 on Monday.

To narrow down the customers who need health screening, Warmup Café, the venue of the New Year countdown event, released a timeline of the two visits to the pub by the infected customer, a 25-year old woman, on Facebook, and the spot where she was seated on the nights of December 31st and January 1st.

Chiang Mai health officials said that the 50th COVID-19 case in the province is a vendor who sells ready-made food at several flea markets in the Muang and San Pa Tong districts. She also visited several pubs during the run-up to the New Year, including the Warmup Café.

She also travelled to Lampang and Phrae provinces on January 2nd and 3rd with her family. Currently, she is being treated at Nakhon Ping Hospital.

Health officials in Phrae province said that they have traced the infected woman’s close contacts, who are her relatives attending the same birthday party in Wang Chin district on January 2nd.  All have been isolated for screening at the district hospital, they added.

The New Year countdown event at Warmup Café has come under heavy criticism on social media, with many saying that the venue was too crowded and several of the customers did not wear face masks all the time.

The pub was ordered closed on Tuesday by the provincial administration for a cleanup.

The Winter Festival has also been postponed.