11 July 2024

Two well-known political activists, Panusaya Sithijirawattanakul and Patsaravalee Tanakitvibulpon, submitted a petition to the government today, demanding that those arrested on political crime charges be granted bail and a transparent investigation into the death of remanded activist Netiporn Sanesangkhom, aka “Bung Thalu Wang”.

The petition also urges parliament to speed up the promulgation of an amnesty law covering all political offenders.

The petition was received by Somkid Chuekong, deputy secretary-general of the prime minister for political affairs, at Government House.

The two activists, from the Thalu Fah group and United Thammasat and Demonstration group, carried a poster, featuring the Pheu Thai party’s election campaign promise to give political offenders the right to bail. They also played recordings of both former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and Pheu Thai party leader Paetongtarn talking about these rights.

Regarding the death of Netiporn, at Thammasat University Hospital on Tuesday, Panusaya questioned the reluctance of the Corrections Department to release the video of Netiporn while she was being transferred from the department’s hospital.

Speaking on behalf of the government, Somkid said he regrets the passing of Netiporn, adding that the government cannot, however, interfere with the court over the decision to grant bail to suspects charged with committing political offences.

He also claimed that neither the government nor parliament have dragged their feet on the amnesty bill, noting that parliament is currently in recess.

According to Thai Lawyers for Human Rights, 1,954 people have been charged with political offences in 1,295 cases, including 1,466 who were charged with breaching the Emergency Act and 272 others charged with lèse majesté.