11 July 2024

Seven people were injured in an assassination attempt against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela’s Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez said.

“President Maduro was not injured in the murder attempt,” the minister said. “Unfortunately, seven staff members were injured.” “He is working as usual,” Rodriguez said.

TASS news agency reported that the attempted murder of the head of state was carried out with the use of drones carrying explosives. They were activated while Maduro was speaking at the ceremony for the 81st anniversary of the establishment of the Bolivarian National Guard. The drones were eliminated, the minister said. According to preliminary information, several cadets from the Bolivarian National Guard were injured.

Footage broadcast by state television shows Maduro interrupted while giving his speech by the explosion. Thousands of soldiers who were assembled in massed ranks then scatter as people scream amid the sounds of explosions.  His wife, Cilia Flores, who was standing next to him is seen ducking away.