12 July 2024

The Thai Ministry of Public Health has adjusted the timing for the administration of the second dose of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, from 10 weeks after the initial injection to 16 weeks, so that the supply of vaccines can be distributed more widely, said Public Health Permanent Secretary Dr. Kiatiphum Wongrajit today (Monday).

The announcement followed questions raised after several hospitals have postponed the appointment for the second jab.

Stressing the need for wider distribution of vaccines to members of the public, to reflect the changing situation, Dr. Kiatiphum said that those who receive the first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine in June will receive the second dose in October.

Recently, most people who were reluctant to get vaccinated, for fear of undesirable side effects, have been scrambling to register for inoculation, through the Mor Prom app and other channels. So much so that the numbers have exceeded the doses available and have resulted in long queues. For instance, the supply of vaccine for June inoculations is fully subscribed and many who have registered will have to wait until July or even longer.

The health official assured the public, however, that there is no problem with the delivery of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which will arrive according to schedule, adding that Thailand is expecting three million doses of Sinovac vaccine next month.