11 July 2024

More than 255,000 people in Thailand’s northern provinces have received treatment for nose and eye irritation since the beginning of this year, mainly caused by excessive PM2.5 dust in the atmosphere.

Dr. Suwanchai Wattanayingcharoenchai, director-general of the Department of Health, told the media today (Thursday) that the seasonal air pollution problem in the northern region has greatly affected people with respiratory diseases, like asthma, coronary artery disease and eye infections. Young children, the elderly and pregnant women are especially vulnerable.

He disclosed that over a quarter of a million people have visited hospitals and clinics in 17 northern provinces since January 1st, to receive treatment, with most being in the 45-54 age group.

Dr. Suwanchai recommended that vulnerable people, who are prone to dust-related ailments, avoid outdoor activities and, when outdoors, wear proper medical, or N95 face masks.

Those who suffer from breathing difficulties, nausea or chest pains should see a doctor immediately, he added.