11 July 2024

Thailand today recorded 20 new COVID-19 cases, among arrivals from abroad and in state quarantine, and 12 additional recoveries, according to the CCSA.

The new infections include six arriving from India, three each from Switzerland and the United Kingdom, two from Sweden and one each from the United Arab Emirates, the US, France, Germany, Pakistan and Kuwait.

Cumulative infections in Thailand, to date, are 4,281, with 3,989 recoveries.  232 others are still being treated in hospitals.

CCSA spokesman Dr. Taweesin Wissanuyothin, meanwhile said that festive events can be held, but the number of participants must be limited to half the capacity of the venue of each event and the participants should be separated in groups in different zones.

The measure is a precautionary step to prevent the possible spread of COVID-19, while allowing people to gather and enjoy their New Year celebrations.

Dr. Taweesin disclosed that the National Security Council hasproposed that the CCSA, at its meeting today, shortens the mandatory quarantine period for arrivals from abroad, from 14 to 10 days, and increase the number of the health screenings of those in quarantine, from two to three, to make sure they are safe before they are discharged.

He said that health officials have been conducting a trial shortening of the quarantine period at some facilities since December 1st and will assess the experiment in the first 2 weeks of January.

He added that the CCSA has instructed the Ministry of Public Health to negotiate with private hospitals, which take part in the alternative state quarantine (ASQ) program, to reduce their COVID-19 screening costs.

The Public Health Ministry today reported that there are, so far, 67 COVID-19 cases linked to Myanmar’s Thachilek, with most of them concentrated in the northern province of Thailand’s Chiang Rai and in state quarantine.