11 July 2024

A police commander and a superintendent attached to Region 6 Provincial Police Bureau are to face charges of malfeasance in office for allegedly unfreezing a bank account, worth about 176 million baht, which belonged to a deceased Myanmar drug trafficker, to assist a Chinese man in claiming the cash deposit.

Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn, the deputy national police chief, told the media today (Saturday) that a group of about seven individuals, including a well-known Thai paediatrician, conspired to gain illegal access to the money.

He claimed that the unnamed Chinese man went to the bank, masquerading as the deceased Myanmar national, to ask for a new bank book, claiming that he lost the original and the account had been frozen several years ago.

The bank staff checked the records and discovered, however, that the Chinese man was not the owner of the account and notified Thonglor police, who arrested the individual and his co-conspirators.

Pol Gen Surachate said that the gang members had implicated the two senior officers, but he declined to disclose the amount of money demanded by them from the gang for unfreezing the account.

In another case involving a superintendent in Samut Prakan province, Surachate said that he had ordered the officer to be transferred to the Police Club after he had ordered more than 900 bank accounts frozen.