11 July 2024

A total of 187 Thai and foreign heroes, who were actively involved in the rescue of the 13 Wild Boar footballers and their coach from Tham Luang cave in Mae Sai district of Chiang Rai last year, have had Royal decorations bestowed upon them by His Majesty the King of Thailand in recognition of their sacrifices in the dramatic rescue operation.

An announcement by the Prime Minister’s Office, which was published in the Royal Gazette on March 4th, said that many people, both Thais and foreigners, took part in the search and rescue operation with courage and dedication, despite the high risks involved.

The government has recognized their sacrifices and asked His Majesty the King for Royal decorations to be bestowed on 187 Thai and foreign rescuers.

The recipients include many Americans, Britons, Australians, Chinese, Japanese, Canadians, Austrians, Belgians, Danish, one German, one Ukrainian and two Laotians.