11 July 2024

Fourteen people from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, were turned away at Kuala Lumpur International Airport of Malaysia on Monday as all 1.3 million households in Singapore will be given four surgical masks each.


Malaysian Home Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said on Thursday that the passengers were barred from entering the country after the Immigration Department learnt that they were from Wuhan.

“I have been informed that on Tuesday (Jan 28), 14 passengers from Wuhan had landed at the KL International Airport. They were then barred from entering and have been sent back,” The Star quoted the home minister as saying at a press conference.


He added that front liners at ports of entry have been following strict guidelines from the Health Ministry to ensure they perform their duties without compromising their health.

Malaysian health authorities reported that one more novel coronavirus case was confirmed Thursday, bringing the total number of infections in Malaysia to eight.


Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said all eight cases are Chinese nationals.

Meanwhile, the Singaporean Government announced that all 1.3 million households in Singapore will be given four surgical masks each.


About 5.2 million masks will be given out and will be made available progressively from Saturday, at the 89 community centres and 654 residents’ committee centres, according to The Straits Times.

The masks are free and can be collected only once for each household. Those collecting have to bring along their identity card.


The masks will be delivered to those who are vulnerable and can’t collect them.

The Straits Time reported that there are currently 10 confirmed cases of the Wuhan virus in Singapore, all tourists from Hubei province.

Health experts here have said that there is no community spread of the virus here, so there is no need for people who are well to wear masks.